Ability to reorder classes and groups in sidebar
Jack Snoeyink
Yes! This would be a nice solution to the problems caused by the decision to save sidebar real estate by not showing all the classes I'm teaching and grouping the notifications (https://campuswire.canny.io/bug-reports/p/recent-change-to-dropdown-to-select-class-hampers-usability). Here is a current example of how that is a daily annoyance. it is small because I use portrait mode windows, and the green shows sidebar real estate that is unused, while notification numbers for all my classes are applied to the icon of the class I'm currently looking at -- making me click to find out that I actually have no notifications in this class.
Duong Nguyen
Duong Nguyen
Hi Josh Samani, thanks for the feedback! This is already on our product roadmap. We will let you know once it is shipped.
Yu-Hsiang Lan
Duong Nguyen: It has been 2 years... Can we at least sort the class with the enrolled semester (just set bin size=45days) then alphabet?