New & Improved
New Feature:
”Also Answering This Question”
In the Class Feed, when you begin to type a response to a question, you’ll now be notified if another user is composing an answer simultaneously. This avoids duplicate work for course staff and lets students know if a classmate is about to share an answer.
Sim Answer
Improved Room Redirecting
Previously, if a user attempted to access a chatroom via a link to that chatroom that had been shared with them, they would be taken to the class feed rather than directly to that chatroom.
We’ve corrected this – now, sharing a link to a chatroom will allow that user to click the link and be taken directly to that classroom so that they can join the room and the conversation more easily.
Fixed markdown editor in Firefox
We’ve identified and fixed a bug that affected how the markdown editor was functioning when using Firefox.
Improved Live Session Recording Quality
The recordings your Live Sessions that are saved in your class will now be higher quality.
If you have any feature suggestions or bugs to report, shoot us a message on Campuswire or visit our Roadmap